Ho! Ho! Ho! Welcome to the fourth Annual Alan’s Album Archive Almanac, celebrating the great, the good and the ghastly of the past year. Still looking for Christmas present ideas? Then why not buy our ‘top releases’ below from our partners at Amazon (just click on one of the adverts on our ww.alansalbumarchives.moonfruit.com!) But of course Christmas is about more than simply shameful plugging, so we’ve added yet another festive album review to our site in the form of The Moody Blues’ ‘December’ album. Let’s be honest here – it’s not an album to get you in the mood like the Beach Boys pair or the Beatles’ fan club records, but then it’s a bit different all round this yuletide isn’t it? To be truly in the Xmassy spirit it would be nice if the Coalition could be fair for once and spread goodwill towards all men, except solely their millionaire pals. Workfare slave labour is everywhere this festive season making people work long hours for piddly welfare pay packets, new welfare changes in the coming year will make 2013 a difficult year for most of us (yes even you in work – we’re talking child benefit and maternity leave here!) and the corrupt regimes of ATOS and A4E run along unchecked. So much misery to save such little an amount seems ridiculous to me, doubly so at Christmas – our debt is only the worst its been for 15 years, not 150 as some will tell you and is dwarfed by the zillions we owed in the 40s, 50s, 70s and 80s. And so it is Christmas – and what has the coalition done? (Nothing! – except turn us against each other, the old and the young!) So we’ll leave you with this year’s seasonal message, which is actually the same we’ve been giving you all year through: War is over – if you want it. And we all do, its only the politicians who want us at each other’s throats. I wish I could tell you all not to let the Coalition ruin your Christmas, though chances are they already have. But do let’s fight them in the coming year if it’s the last thing we do (who knows, the way their policies have gone in 2012 it might be). We close this introduction by reminding you to click on our usual link for Alan’s Album Archives’ news stories in a newspaper format and by wishing you all a very wonderful festive period and an amazing, articulate, ailment free new year, whoever you are, whatever you are, whichever part of the globe you might be from. May the Christmas Clandusprods bless you, one and all!
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