Monday, 17 June 2013

Celebrating 300 Album Reviews!: The 10 Biggest Surprises Since Starting This Website!

Surprise! Yes it’s another online pretend party! Dear friends, here we are on News, Views and Music number 198 which, together with 101 album reviews and two ‘specials’ that for some reason I started off not counting in the original run makes it a whole 300 albums we’ve covered now on our musical journey from ‘Surfin Safari’ in 1962 to (quick check to see what the most recent AAA album is) Stephen Stills’ ‘Carry On’ box set from March. In that time we’ve experienced highs (more hits than a ‘now that’s what I call music’ compilation, hundreds of twitter followers and quite a few loyal readers) and lows (the destruction of three computers, an ongoing internet problem, the loss of two websites and so many obstacles set by the jobcentre I’m amazed I managed to write anything understandable at all (perhaps I didn’t?!) What a long strange trip it’s been, dear readers, a long and winding road that leads – well – to your laptop as you read this actually. Now, I know we’ve celebrated a few other milestones on this set and as seems to have happened with all of them (finishing 101 ‘core’ reviews, our 50th issue, our 100th issue, our 250th issue, our 10,000th hit, our 100,000th hit) I can’t celebrate this one with you the way I’d like to because of a) internet headaches b) jobcentre headaches and c) chronic fatigue headaches. Hopefully things will fix itself soon and thanks to our planned new mobile app we can enter an exciting future where things really really really begin to happen for us here at the AAA. We wanted to do something for the article anniversary though, even if it is low-key, so here it is: the top 10 biggest surprises between starting the site (in 2008) and now:

10) That Alan’s Album Archives would reach the milestone of 100,000 hits (actually we’re on 112,000 at the time of writing). Admittedly this is split between our ‘Moonfruit’ and ‘Blogspot’ sites, comes after one heck of a lot of plugging away around the internet in which I’ve probably submitted us to every directory on the internet whether suitable or not and has probably been slightly boosted by a sudden swathe of spam messages we kept getting a few months back. But even so – anything in six numbers sounds pretty good to me, especially as more than half of these hits have come in 2012/1013 alone and we have zero budget to work with (well, £36 a year, roughly equal to 72 sausage rolls or half a ticket to see the Spice Girls Musical, money well spent I say). I certainly wasn’t expecting this much interest this early on, given how restrictive my time spent plugging this site has been due to my growing illness. At this rate Alan’s Album Archives will have bought up Google by 2020, will be the world’s number one website by 2030 and AAA mascot Max The Singing Dog will be Mayor of New York, New York by 2050.

9) That there would be a ‘Spice Girls’ musical in the style of Mama Mia. And that, despite being in the news every five minutes, it would flop very very badly. We feel very smug about this, given that the Spice Girls stand for everything we hate in music (artificialness, smugness, godawful songs, no original thoughts, supposed ‘girl power’ from a female band firmly in the control of middle aged male managers, kung-fu kicking tramps in music videos) and so does ‘Mama Mia’ (a good band made to look stupid, with songs shoe-horned into a weak and empty plot that would make a soap opera blush, leaving out several superior and more fitting songs to let wannabe singers who could only get into acting school get paid for getting it out of their systems). Frankly, writer Jennifer Saunders (who got her degree down the road from us in Edge Hill University, Ormskirk) shouldn’t have wasted her talent. Not that she has as much talent as she thinks she does, but then, neither do the Spice Girls. By quite a long way. We told the world combining the two things together was madness and a sign of the December 2012 apocalypse. Amazingly, for once they listened and the ‘Viva Forever’ musical closed last month after a pitiful amount of performances and some truly savage reviews that make even us look quite sympathetic. No, really, they do – have a read of some of them, they’re far ruder than we’d ever be about the Spice Girls, which shows just how much theatre and music critics hated this show!

8) Who thought The Beatles would become big all over again, not because of some new archive release or documentary but because of a game?! ‘Beatles Rock Band’ might not have been the biggest blockbuster in the gaming world in the past five years, but it did cause one heck of a lot more interest than anyone was expecting – and it even made The Beatles trendy again for a time (until Ringo started being weird in interviews and the whole thing went quiet). The chance to be a Beatle was irresistible for many and the song choice was a lot better (and a lot wider) than we expected it to be too, with some unusual choices alongside the hits (OK, all 313 Beatles songs were all available to download – barring the spoken word ‘Revolution 9’ for obvious reasons – but seeing as it would have cost approximately nine times the price of the already expensive game we’re willing to bet very few people downloaded them all). The success of the game inspired quite a few copycat versions too, although sadly most of them seem to be by pointless heavy metal groups and there hasn’t been any other AAA bands given a standalone game yet (although certain Stones, Who and Grateful Dead songs can be heard in the ‘Guitar Hero’ competitor – and again not necessarily the songs you’d expect). Last song in the game ‘I Want You (She’s So Heavy)’, which accompanies the Beatles on the Apple rooftop with a swirling fog that envelops them and takes us back to the beginning again at the Cavern, has never seemed so moving (and yes, I know The Beatles didn’t actually play this at the Rooftop gig – or had even written it yet – but it’s a game, OK, not a biography!)

7) That The Hollies would make #1 on Amazon! Admittedly this was the ‘box sets and re-issues’ chart during a week when nothing else seemed to be released but, hey, it outsold the special edition of that Adele monstrosity that seems to have been in the charts for as long as this website’s been around and made the top 40 in the general chart too so that’s good enough for us. After all, this is The Hollies we’re talking about – a band that only ever reached the top of the charts twice in their lifetime, once on the back of a beer commercial and once in about the only week of the 60s when The Beatles and Stones had nothing out that month. Frankly, this most popular and successful of bands have been cruelly forgotten from every 60s music show ever since and we’ve had great fun lobbying for their re-instation into the hall of greats on this very site. The Hollies outsold every single 1960s band except the Beatles (and, technically, scoring more top 20 hits than even they did thanks to an even more ridiculously busy work schedule) and despite making some of the greatest albums ever made no one seems to know them apart from a handful of singles. Their first #1 in any albums chart since ‘Hollies Greatest’ in 1968 (the superb 1963-67 complete collection ‘The Clarke-Hicks-Nash Years’) was a real day for cheering, especially being released in between a best-selling Hollies DVD (‘Look Through Any Window’, a superb anthology of interviews and TV performances) and a compilation of Hollies BBC radio sessions (which could have been better but was still well worth having). Hollies fans hadn’t had this much to celebrate in 25 years and of all the AAA groups we cover their renaissance in the media spotlight was one of the most unexpected and welcome during the five years this site has been running. The second biggest unexpected number one? Yoko Ono hitting the American dance chart #1 spot weeks before her 80th birthday! I still haven’t bought it yet, mind, so that’s another entry for another list in another 50 issues’ time!

6) That Neil Young would finally release his ‘Archives’ box set. I thought it was a joke at first when it appeared on Amazon and in adverts. I mean, Neil first announced the project way back in 1977 on the back of greatest-hits-with-extras set ‘Decade’ when he mentioned he was working on a ‘bigger box’ full of outtakes and alternate mixes. He was still talking about it when Geffen compilation (and effectively ‘Decade II’ ‘Lucky 13’) came out 15 years later. Indispensible music magazine Record Collector even filled the gap by devoting a whole feature to it in the late 1980s and about what juicy performances might be on it (sadly almost all of them were missing when the set did come out!) So used had we fans become to Neil announcing and then quietly abandoning his pet project that, after more than 30 years, I assumed its quiet appearance on ‘Amazon’ was a poor bootleg copy. I mean, just look at the picture that came with it: a heavy, bulky, slab of a box covered in cheap tacky printed newspaper clippings – was this really what we fans had come to believe was the holy grail of Neil Young releases?! Amazingly it was and ‘Archives’ finally saw the light of day in 2007, only 40 years late. Quite honestly, I’m still in shock. Neil’s been working on a follow-up in the six years since the box’s release apparently – based on the same maths Neil’s going to be 93 by the time ‘Archives II’ appears, and probably still going strong music-wise if his ‘one album a year’ work ethic maintains it’s current impressive pace, although if I have to keep buying them all I shall probably be bankrupt long before then.

5) That Oasis would split. To be fair Oasis have split almost every year since they began in 1993 and lost more members (five, discounting the last band line-up who technically couldn’t leave because the group split up) in their 14 years together than even Wings did (four in eight years on the same reasoning, a record I thought would never be broken). But few saw how lasting the feud between the Gallagher brothers would be or that the greatest rock and roll band of the past 20 years (give or take Belle and Sebastian) would end it all over something as daft as an advert in a tour brochure and a tangerine (thrown in anger). The story goes that Liam was more interested in his clothing range during the band’s last tour and album and that he dragged out the recording process for several months before adding his vocals, causing Noel to hurl a tangerine at him! To be honest, rumours had been rife for a while and one our first News, Views and Musics was a review of what turned out to be the last Oasis album (‘Dig Out Your Soul’) with an ominous final line about ‘how if this does turn out to be the last thing the band do – and rumours are they’ve already split – then it will be a sad and shameful end to such a wonderful and inventive band (a couple of you were struck how similar my review was to the famous Times review of The Beatles ‘Let It Be’, released in similar circumstances). But even though I feared it was coming the split was still a shock. In other linked surprises, I never thought that it would be Noel going solo and Liam continuing to work with the other latter-day band members of Oasis in ‘Beady Eye’ or that it would be Noel who’d find commercial fame and fortune while everyone who counted themselves ‘real’ music lovers (and who’d owned most of Noel’s so-called new songs on bootleg for 20 odd years) loved Beady Eye’s first album instead.

4) That we’d see reunions or returns by no less than eight previously defunct AAA groups or artists. Admittedly, even I could have guessed that Crosby, Stills and Nash, Neil Young’s band Crazy Horse and The Who would get back together at some point (given that splitting and getting back together has been their pattern of making music for several decades now). At a push I would have guessed too that The Rolling Stones (not officially split but undeniably quiet since 2004’s ‘A Bigger Bang’) would be cooking up something for their 50th birthday in 2012 (although not as much as I was hoping to be honest, with a handful of gigs and only two new downloadable songs). Belle and Sebastian, too, only spent four years separated between 2006 and 2010, which is pretty good going by AAA band standards, so their reunion wasn’t entirely unexpected (especially given how badly the spin-off solo albums sold). The other three reunions though were complete surprises and shocks. The Beach Boys reunited with Brian Wilson for the first time since the mid-80s in 2012 and even brought in David Marks back into the band for his first studio record since 1963 (even if they did break up again not long after – which was sadly much more predictable!) The Monkees got back together with Mike Nesmith in 2012 too for the first time in 15 years, the one Monkee who doesn’t need the money and seems to resent the fame, in 2012 and at the time of writing is still touring with them. Finally, who’d have guessed that Cat Stevens would have returned to make his first rock albums in 30 years, albeit under a new name (‘Yusuf’), coming back into the spotlight both because his son learning the guitar ‘inspired’ him to pick his own up (for which we fans will be forever thankful) and to help get a Muslim singing about peace back on the telly after so many years of brainwashing media reports about how they all want to destroy Christians in their beds. Anyone who saw those three reunions coming must have a better fortune telling device than me. Whose to say which AAA band members will get together by the time we write article 600 (somewhere around our finishing date we reckon) – Oasis maybe? Pink Floyd?! (They have come pretty close, although the ‘Live 8’ reunion was just before we started writing sadly!) or even The Beatles?!? (I hear they can do wonderful things with holograms nowadays!)

3) Time to get serious for a minute: we didn’t know that we would lose four very special AAA leading lights: Rick Wright (Pink Floyd), Pete Quaife (The Kinks), Bert Jansch (Pentangle) and Davy Jones (The Monkees). Admittedly, on the law of averages four in five years is somewhere slightly better than we might have expected given that these groups are reaching their 70s and 80s in some cases, but it was still a shock to lose them all and of the four only Pete had been ill for any length of time before their death. It goes without saying that we wept buckets when all of them died and we mourn them every passing day.

2) While we’re still serious, one other thing we weren’t expecting was that the UK would be run by the first coalition since World War Two. Unfortunately, what should have been quite an interesting political experiment, where legally all parties should be forced to work with each other for a year until another election is called, was wiped out straight away by in-fighting between the parties and some illegal (till the law got changed retrospectively) law changes to keep the same two parties in power. We warned you all that the Conservatives would only make the credit crunch worse and it gives me no delight whatsoever in saying ‘I told you so’ three years on, even with the lib dems to supposedly hold them back. Even cynical old me has been amazed, though, at just how much scandal, corruption and heartlessness this Coalition have shown. I could spent the rest of this article talking again about how evil and cruel these politicians have been, trying to blame everyone but themselves to the point where those on benefits have taken their own lives, from jobcentre pressure, peer and media hatred and ‘sanctions’ of money that leave unable to pay their bills while the ones who caused the hatred get a few more quid to spend on their expensive eating habits (claimed back from the taxpayer). All I will say is that there are three names that will live on in the nightmares of millions of people for the rest of their lives: ‘Cameron’ ‘Hague’ ‘IDS’ and the biggest surprise of all traitor ‘Clegg’ and one word that will forever shame our generation over its ignorance, shame and hatred when this decade gets discussed in the history books: ATOS (a bunch of poorly trained lawyers given more rights to decide who lives and who dies than real doctors). Closely followed by ‘Workfare’ (slave labour by another name and the most blatant use of it in the Western World since the American Civil War). What an uncivilised time we live in – and I’m not just talking about the lack of money, banking mistakes, MP expenses scandals, ‘Big Society’, plebgate and the rich attacking the poor. It’s the public’ reaction to all the lies and nonsense spouted by these uninformed gorillas in suits that has hurt and disappointed me most, admittedly spurred on bigtime by a media who should know better: trust me, there are no such things as ‘scorungers’ - you really wouldn’t want to live in the shoes of someone poorer than you if you could help it. It’s not the poor’s fault they have no money. It’s not the disabled’s fault they’re ill. And it’s not the unemployed’s fault there are no jobs to be had. We’ve been swindled, good and proper, with the country in a much sorrier state than it was five years ago – and despite apparently being the cause of it all the credit crunch isn’t even in the top five reasons why this should be so (in fact the UK’s debt went up under the Coalition, mainly on MP claims and tax breaks for millionaires while the rets of us turned to foodbanks to live). In the end, the only bigger surprise of the past five years have been why there haven’t been more riots against the system than just the one blown-out-of-proportion skuffle (where ‘looters’ who nicked 50p bottles of water received sentences much harsher than MPs who lied in court about their speeding tickets and millionaires ho paid no tax on their billions of profits) and why there isn’t more public hatred against the villains who’ve forced us to fight against ourselves.
Moving on,

1) That we would write somewhere in the region of three million, six hundred thousand five hundred words during our five years bringing you news, views and music reviews. Just to put that into context, it’s the equivalent of six editions of ‘War and Peace’ (written over a four year period) or four and a half complete editions of the Bible (old and new testament). We’ve worked out that at our average word count of 12,000 words for 300 issues by the way, which is more or less what you get every week (sometimes its an awful lot more when we cover double albums or write about every book/DVD/solo/live/compilation album – occasionally, when we started the newsletters in 2009 it was a lot less, so we reckon these two extremes cancel each other out). Well, to be honest, this was probably the one entry in our top ten you would have been expecting in 2008 isn’t it?! With all that in mind, we reckon we aren’t too far off our assertion in our first Youtube Video that ‘we will have written so much that we’ll have crashed the internet by 2014’ – sadly for us it looks as if the internet was relegated to just our house and came a year early!
Thankyou for standing by us through 300 albums, 200 top five/ten/whatevers and five years of hard but deeply enjoyable and heartwarming (not to mention ear-warming) work. Fate can cut off my internet access. It can scramble my computer. It can hijack my money illegally via some stupid jobcentre mistake they can’t be bothered to put right. It can give me a body that refuses to work most hours of the day. But I’ll still come back fighting, with an 8000 word music review and a song in my heart. The pile of albums left may be about half what it was when I started in 2008, but I still have oh so much to say to you all. We hope to see you soon for issue 301 – and for all the issues after that. Keep reading! Keep rocking! Keep fighting! This is Alansarchives going for a much needed lie down...

A NOW COMPLETE List Of Top Five/Top Ten/TOP TWENTY  Entries 2008-2019
1) Chronic Fatigue songs

2) Songs For The Face Of Bo

3) Credit Crunch Songs

4) Songs For The Autumn

5) National Wombat Week

6) AAA Box Sets

7) Virus Songs

8) Worst AAA-Related DVDs

9) Self-Punctuating Superstar Classics

10) Ways To Know You Have Turned Into A Collector

11) Political Songs

12) Totally Bonkers Concept Albums

13) Celebrating 40 Years Of The Beatles' White Album

14) Still Celebrating 40 Years Of The Beatles' White Album

15) AAA Existential Questions

16) Releases Of The Year 2008

17) Top AAA Xmas Songs

18) Notable AAA Gigs

19) All things '20' related for our 20th issue

20) Romantic odes for Valentine's Day

21) Hollies B sides

22) 'Other' BBC Session Albums

23) Beach Boys Rarities Still Not Available On CD

24) Songs John, Paul and George wrote for Ringo's solo albums

25) 5 of the Best Rock 'n' Roll Tracks From The Pre-Beatles Era

26) AAA Autobiographies

27) Rolling Stones B-sides

28) Beatles B-Sides

29) The lllloooonnngggeesssttt AAA songs of all time

30) Kinks B-Sides

31) Abandoned CSNY projects 'wasted on the way'

32) Best AAA Rarities and Outtakes Sets

33) News We've Missed While We've Been Away

34) Birthday Songs for our 1st Anniversary

35) Brightest Album Covers

36) Biggest Recorded Arguments

37) Songs About Superheroes

38) AAA TV Networks That Should Exist

39) AAA Woodtsock Moments

40) Top Moments Of The Past Year As Voted For By Readers

41) Music Segues

42) AAA Foreign Language Songs

43) 'Other' Groups In Need Of Re-Mastering

44) The Kinks Preservation Rock Opera - Was It Really About The Forthcoming UK General Election?

45) Mono and Stereo Mixes - Biggest Differences

46) Weirdest Things To Do When A Band Member Leaves

47) Video Clips Exclusive To Youtube (#1)

48) Top AAA Releases Of 2009

49) Songs About Trains

50) Songs about Winter

51) Songs about astrology plus horoscopes for selected AAA members

52) The Worst Five Groups Ever!

53) The Most Over-Rated AAA Albums

54) Top AAA Rarities Exclusive To EPs

55) Random Recent Purchases (#1)

56) AAA Party Political Slogans

57) Songs To Celebrate 'Rock Sunday'

58) Strange But True (?) AAA Ghost Stories

59) AAA Artists In Song

60) Songs About Dogs

61) Sunshiney Songs

62) The AAA Staff Play Their Own Version Of Monoploy/Mornington Crescent!

63) What 'Other' British Invasion DVDs We'd Like To See

64) What We Want To Place In Our AAA Time Capsule

65) AAA Conspiracy Theroies

66) Weirdest Things To Do Before - And After - Becoming A Star

67) Songs To Tweet To

68) Greatest Ever AAA Solos

69) John Lennon Musical Tributes

70) Songs For Halloween

71) Earliest Examples Of Psychedelia

72) Purely Instrumental Albums

73) AAA Utopias

74) AAA Imaginary Bands

75) Unexpected AAA Cover Versions

76) Top Releases of 2010

77) Songs About Snow

78) Predictions For 2011

79) AAA Fugitives

80) AAA Home Towns

81) The Biggest Non-Musical Influences On The 1960s

82) AAA Groups Covering Other AAA Groups

83) Strange Censorship Decisions

84) AAA Albums Still Unreleased on CD

85) Random Recent Purchases (#2)

86) Top AAA Music Videos

87) 30 Day Facebook Music Challenge

88) AAA Documentaries

89) Unfinished and 'Lost' AAA Albums

90) Strangest AAA Album Covers

91) AAA Performers Live From Mars (!)

92) Songs Including The Number '100' for our 100th Issue

93) Most Songs Recorded In A Single Day

94) Most Revealing AAA Interviews

95) Top 10 Pre-Fame Recordings

96) The Shortest And Longest AAA Albums

97) The AAA Allstars Ultimate Band Line-Up

98) Top Songs About Sports

99) AAA Conversations With God

100) AAA Managers: The Good, The Bad and the Financially Ugly

101) Unexpected AAA Cameos

102) AAA Words You can Type Into A Caluclator

103) AAA Court Cases

104) Postmodern Songs About Songwriting

105) Biggest Stylistic Leaps Between Albums

106) 20 Reasons Why Cameron Should Go!

107) The AAA Pun-Filled Cookbook

108) Classic Debut Releases

109) Five Uses Of Bird Sound Effects

110) AAA Classic Youtube Clips Part #1

111) Part #2

112) Part #3

113) AAA Facts You Might Not Know

114) The 20 Rarest AAA Records

115) AAA Instrumental Songs

116) Musical Tarot

117) Christmas Carols

118) Top AAA Releases Of 2011

119) AAA Bands In The Beano/The Dandy

120) Top 20 Guitarists #1

121) #2

122) 'Shorty' Nomination Award Questionairre

123) Top Best-Selling AAA Albums

124) AAA Songs Featuring Bagpipes

125) A (Hopefully) Complete List Of AAA Musicians On Twitter

126) Beatles Albums That Might Have Been 1970-74 and 1980

127) DVD/Computer Games We've Just Invented

128) The AAA Albums With The Most Weeks At #1 in the UK

129) The AAA Singles With The Most Weeks At #1 in the UK

130) Lyric Competition (Questions)

131) Top Crooning Classics

132) Funeral Songs

133) AAA Songs For When Your Phone Is On Hold

134) Random Recent Purchases (#3)

135) Lyric Competition (Answers)

136) Bee Gees Songs/AAA Goes Disco!

137) The Best AAA Sleevenotes (And Worst)

138) A Short Precise Of The Years 1962-70

139) More Wacky AAA-Related Films And Their Soundtracks

140) AAA Appearances On Desert Island Discs

141) Songs Exclusive To Live Albums

142) More AAA Songs About Armageddon

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159) A (Not That) Short Guide To The 15 Best Non-AAA Bands

160) The Greatest AAA Drum Solos (Or Near Solos!)

161) AAA Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall Of Fame Acceptance Speeches

162) AAA Re-Recordings Of Past Songs

163) A Coalition Christmas (A Fairy Tale)

164) AAA Songs About Islands

165) The AAA Review Of The Year 2012

166) The Best AAA Concerts I Attended

167) Tributes To The 10 AAA Stars Who Died The Youngest

168) The First 10 AAA Songs Listed Alphabetically

171) The 10 Best Songs From The Psychedelia Box-Sets ‘Nuggets’ and ‘Nuggets Two’

172) The 20 Most Common Girl’s Names In AAA Song Titles (With Definitions) 

180) First Recordings By Future AAA Stars

185) A Tribute To Storm Thorgerson Via The Five AAA Bands He Worked With

188) Surprise! Celebrating 300 Album Reviews With The Biggest 'Surprises' Of The Past Five Years Of Alan's Album Archives!

190) Comparatively Obscure First Compositions By AAA Stars

193) Evolution Of A Band: Comparing First Lyric With Last Lyric:

200) The Monkees In Relation To Postmodernism (University Dissertation)

202) Carly Simon's 'You're So Vain': Was It About One Of The AAA Crew?

217) AAA 'Christmas Presents' we'd most like to have next year

221) Dr Who and the AAA (Five Musical Links)

222) Five Random Recent Purchases

223) AAA Grammy Nominees

224) Ten AAA songs that are better heard unedited and in full

225) The shortest gaps between AAA albums

226) The longest gaps between AAA albums

227) Top ten AAA drummers

228) Top Ten AAA Singles (In Terms of 'A' and 'B' Sides)

229) The Stories Behind Six AAA Logos

230) AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! The Best Ten AAA Screams

231) An AAA Pack Of Horses

232) AAA Granamas - Sorry, Anagrams!

233) AAA Surnames and Their Meanings

234) 20 Erroneous AAA Album Titles

235) The Best AAA Orchestral Arrangements

236) Top 30 Hilariously Misheard Album Titles/Lyrics

237) Ten controversial AAA sackings - and whether they were right

238) A Critique On Critiquing - In Response To Brian Wilson

239) The Ten MusicianS Who've Played On The Most AAA Albums

240) Thoughts on #CameronMustGo

241) Random Recent Purchases (Kinks/Grateful Dead/Nils Lofgren/Rolling Stones/Hollies) 

242) AAA Christmas Number Ones 

243) AAA Review Of The Year 2014 (Top Releases/Re-issues/Documentaries/DVDs/Books/Songs/ Articles  plus worst releases of the year)

244) Me/CFS Awareness Week 2015

245) Why The Tory 2015 Victory Seems A Little...Suspicious

246) A Plea For Peace and Tolerance After The Attacks on Paris - and Syria

247) AAA Review Of The Year 2015

248) The Fifty Most Read AAA Articles (as of December 31st 2015)

249) The Revised AAA Crossword!

251) Half-A-Dozen Berries Plus One (An AAA Tribute To Chuck Berry)

252) Guest Post: ‘The Skids – Joy’ (1981) by Kenny Brown

254) Guest Post: ‘Supertramp – Some Things Never Change’ by Kenny Brown

255) AAA Review Of The Year 2018

256) AAA Review Of The Year 2019 plus Review Of The Decade 2010-2019

257) Tiermaker

258) #Coronastock

259) #Coronadocstock

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